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来源:中国IB教育者  时间:2021-02-08 09:16:08
The International Business Teachers’ League


The International Business Teachers’ League (IBTL) is a professional development community for Business teachers from various international schools. We aim to form a multi-dimensional teachers’ learning platform that gathers teachers with all kinds of levels of experience, who hope to gain professional competence and upgrade teaching skills.
We are committed to building an ecosystem of business education through providing the best business teacher training program with integrated teaching and learning resources.

Mentor Team

David Lin
香港中文大学工商管理学院一级荣誉学士,美国特许金融分析师(CFA)。从事国际课程教育十数载,目前在上海包玉刚实验学校教授IB国际文凭商务管理课程,并担任IBO国际文凭组织商务管理学科考官,对课程教学及考试要求、IA、EE等有极深的了解。2019年,辅导学生参加沃顿国际股票投资大赛,并获得亚洲赛区第一名以及全球总决赛第三名的好成绩。同年辅导学生参加英国Peter Jones基金会设立的校园大亨创业商赛,获得初中组第一名及特等奖,并受英国皇室邀请赴白金汉宫领奖。从事教育工作前,David老师曾担任数家世界五百强跨国公司管理职位。

David Lin
David graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a first-class honors degree in Business Administration. He is also a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), which is a highly regarded qualification for investment professionals. With over a decade of experiences teaching international curricula such as IB and IGCSE, David is currently teaching IB Business Management at YK Pao School in Shanghai, China. As an authorized IB examiner, David has an in-depth understanding of how to teach business effectively, as well as how to achieve excellent results for the business exam, business IAs and business EEs.
In 2019, David coached a team of YK Pao students to win the first place in Asia and the third place in the global finale of a stock investment competition organized by the Wharton School of Finance in the US. In the same year, he also coached another team of middle school students to win the Tycoon Enterprise Business Competition and the winning team was invited by the Royal family of UK to receive the grand prize award at Buckingham Palace, London.
David had worked at several Fortune 500 multinational companies in management roles prior to becoming an educator.

Eumelia Valdez
IB BM teacher at Shanghai Pinghe Bilingual School (2009-2020).
IB BM Teacher at Oriental English College, Shenzhen (2007-2009).
Researcher and writer of different topics regarding BM like techniques in writing essays, answering BM questions and others.
Advisor of BM extended essays marked A’s and B’s.
Examiner of BM HL Paper 1 and Internal Assessment (IA).

海归双硕士 MBA & MED. 全系ALevel,IBDP,IGCSE,Cambridge PDQ,PBL教学资格认证。从事国际商科课程教学10年,精通商科及跨学科课程设计,领导和主持多项商科校本课程设计和PBL & STEAM 课程设计。ASDAN, NEC, BPA等国际商赛评委及指导教师。国内外发表期刊数篇,编著两本十三五规划教材,涵盖教育学和管理学范畴。
教育理念- 重视教学设计和素养的关联。

Elva, Li Fanglei
Business subject head of ARC, Beijing Aidi joiner and senior school
Double Master holder- MBA & MED. ALevel,IBDP,IGCSE,Cambridge PDQ,PBL certified teacher. A profession in curriculum design especially in multidisciplinary curriculum associate with commerce subjects. Leading and regulating several PBL Programs and school based curriculum design. Experience in publishing papers in both domestic and international journals, and writing two text book in related with Education and Business Management.
Education philosophy- curriculum design is the key of core competencies.
There are few key types of popular curriculum in the market, the difficulty of a school is to balance the requirements from all councils and the own competencies which they want to target as their USP. Therefore, I believe a successful school is the one that will focus on the power of curriculum redesign, and merge with both benefits and deliver the education philosophy with a unique positioning.

英国利兹大学国际商务硕士,英国诺丁汉大学PGCEi 硕士教学证书,获得美国哈佛大学教育学院CSML教学管理证书,IBO教学领导力课程在读。
多年一线商务经济教学经验,教授过IGCSE, A-Level 和IBDP课程。2017年成为国内首批剑桥CAIE考试局的A-Level,IGCSE全球判卷官,参与过多次判卷。

Li (Angela)Weiting
Head of Humanities department at Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy.
Lecturer of Economic and Business
Master degree of International Business Leads University. Achieved PGCEi certificate from Nottingham University. Certificate in School Management and Leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education. IB Certificate in Leadership Practice from Western University on going.
Years of experience on Economic and Business teaching of IGCSE, A-Level and IBDP program. Global examiner of CAIE Business since 2017 and finished thousands of exams marking.


Feifei(Fiona) Lu
IBDP Business Management subject leader and teacher, International Department of Shude High School.
IBDP Business Management Examiner.
Assistant Brand Manager, P&G Singapore .
Analyst, JP Morgan Singapore.
Double degree in Business & Computing, Nanyang Technological University.

北京市二十一世纪国际学校Alevel项目主管,经济及会计教师。英国布里斯托大学经济会计硕士专业毕业,本科研究生共计6年的会计专业学习,持有英语教师资格证和相关会计职业证书以及拥有相关会计从业经历。在英国读书期间担任会计辅导老师,辅导在英留学生会计等课程。拥有五年的教学经验,教授过澳洲VCE会计,英国A Level会计以及经济学,熟知各国会计学内容,能够在中英文会计体系中自由切换,教学经验丰富且学生成绩优异,工作第一年便获得海淀区“四有教师”称号。

Xu Xiaofang
A-level program manager of Beijing 21st Century International School
Teacher of economics and accounting subject.
Master in economic, accounting and Finance of Bristol University.
Experienced teacher in international accounting with both qualifications of English teaching and certificates of accounting, with expertise in class teaching and vip tutoring, familiar with different accounting courses including Australia VCE accounting, UK A-level accounting and economics, with 6 years of experience in accounting study and 5 years of teaching experience, awarded as the EXCELLENT teacher by Haidian District Education Authority and popular among students.


Yan Yan, Master degree in Business and Accounting from UNSW, Australia; currently undertaking a second Master degree in Consulting and Clinical Psychology from Shenzhen University. China Career development Mentor, Student Admission Counselor, dedicated to provide admission planning and guidance for students from different curricula. IB global examiner, started marking external exam papers from 2015. Teaching both IB and A-level curriculum in Business and Management, Economics and Accounting. More than 8 years of international education teaching and management experiences.


Xueli (Cherie) Yang
Head of Business Management department at Shanghai Weiyu International School.
MBA of ESDES Business School and BA in Hispanic Philology at Nanjing University.
Worked at United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and Fortune 500 prior to becoming an educator. Experienced teacher of IBDP and IGCSE Business and Spanish ab initio. IBO authorized examiner of both IBDP Business Management and Spanish ab initio. Class average score in the IB final exam always above 6.2 for both subjects.
Provided guidance and support to students to win in national and international business competitions including FBLA, CTB, ASDAN business simulation, LiBF and WYEF.
Certified APPLE Teacher, China Think Big Certified Coach, FBLA Global Competence Teachers, LinkedIn certified career coach and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level I. Mastery of four working languages (Chinese, English, Spanish and French).


Workshop Topics

主题包括但不限于 Topics include but are not limited to
1. 国际教育商科课程现状、 IBDP和A Level商业课程体系对比以及IGCSE作为衔接课程的建议
2. IBDP 商管大纲解读和课程规划
3. A Level商业大纲解读和课程规划
4. 商管学科的项目式教学探索与实践
5. IBDP商管教学方法、策略和资源
6. A Level商业教学方法、策略和资源
7. IBDP商管IA和EE的指导及评估
8. IBDP商管Paper 1 & 2评分注意事项
9. AS, A2, IG商业的评分注意事项
10. 其他泛商科学科大纲解读和课程规划建议(比如A Level/IG会计课程, IG Enterprise课程等)
11. 助力学生泛商科专业申请的商赛、企业参访、学术研究等课外活动介绍
1. Introduction to Business related subjects in international education, a comparison of IBDP and A Level Business syllabus and curriculum mapping and IGCSE Business Studies as a bridge program
2. IBDP Business Management syllabus and curriculum mapping
3. A Level Business syllabus and curriculum mapping
4. Exploration and implementation of PBL in teaching IBDP Business Management
5. IBDP Business Management pedagogy, teaching strategies and resources
6. A Level Business pedagogy, teaching strategies and resources
7. Guidance and assessment on IB Business Management IA and EE
8. Guidance on marking IBDP Business Management Paper 1 & 2
9. Guidance on marking AS, A2, IG
10. Syllabus and curriculum mapping of other business-related courses (accounting, enterprise, etc.)
11.Recommendations on business competitions, on-site visits to enterprises, academic research and other extracurricular activities for college application
*具体安排可按需求调整优化 (subject to changes)

Attendee Membership

报名对象 Who Can Attend:
In-service/Pre-service Business/Accounting/Economics Teachers

报名链接 Sign up:

何老师 13917220511

会员专享 Benefits of Member:
Career and professional support from experienced mentors, regular teaching discussion, and a teacher learning community.
Access to teaching materials, lesson plans, video lessons, etc.
Opportunity to become a teacher mentor assistant, join projects on professional journal or book publications.
Early registration through other training, events and forums.
Certification, and chances to win IBTL Scholarship.
Recruitment network and job connection.


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